What to Expect Wearing Progressive Lenses for the First Time

What to Expect Wearing Progressive Lenses for the First Time

Many people find that they eventually have to switch to progressive lenses to be able to see comfortably at all distances. These multifocal lenses have a gradual change in vision correction, so you can see far away, close up and everything in-between. Making the switch to a new type of lens can come with an adjustment period—but you should be comfortable with your new glasses in a few days, or in some cases, a few weeks.

The most common complaint when adjusting to progressive lenses is blurry vision, headaches, nausea and balance issues. It can take some time to train your eyes and brain to see clearly at a distance and close-up. Most people will adjust to their new lenses in only a few days but for some, it could take up to two weeks.

To help adjust to the new lenses, wear your glasses the whole day. Resist the temptation to switch between new glasses and old glasses, as it can prolong the adjustment period. Practice looking at faraway objects through the top of your lenses and close-up objects through the bottom. The middle part of your glasses is to see at an intermediate distance, like your computer.

If you’re still struggling to adapt to the new lenses after a few weeks, stop in to see your optometrist. They’ll be able to evaluate your glasses and make adjustments to the frames if needed.

Progressive lenses need more vertical room to properly transition from one prescription to another. As a result, not all frames are compatible with multifocal lenses. It’s important to choose frames that will be compatible with your lenses and a certified optician can help you navigate the available options.
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