Eye Exams Near Me

Whether you’re getting your first eye exam, looking to update your prescription or just moved and need to find a new exam centre, locate your local Hakim Optical. With multiple locations across Canada and an easy booking system, getting an eye exam is so easy. Through our eyeexamcentre.ca site, you can find an exam centre and book an eye exam in no time. 

Find an Exam Centre Near Me

Finding an exam centre near you is as simple as entering your postal code or searching by area on eyeexamcentre.ca. You book your eye exam directly on the website and just show up for your appointment. Simple as that! 

With stores in almost every province and every major city, getting an eye exam has never been easier. Plus, we’re the place people trust – we’ve done over 759,000 eye exams at over 100 stores!

Licensed Optometrists & Opticians

When you search for “eye exams near me”, you’ll probably only be looking for locations that have licensed optometrists. All of Hakim Optical’s optometrists and opticians are fully licensed so you know you’re getting the best eye care at any one of our locations. They’ll be able to write your prescription and explain it to you, and Hakim’s licensed opticians will help you pick out a pair of glasses that fit and work for you.

Optometrists are the eye doctors that will perform your eye exam. After this, licensed opticians will handle your glasses fitting. Licensed opticians are front-line health professionals possessing in-depth knowledge of glasses, contact lenses, and special needs devices. These Canadian health professionals are carefully regulated, ensuring they meet a high standard of health and safety regulations pertaining to eye care and treatment. 

Wherever you go for your eye exam, make sure you choose a reputable place with a licensed optometrist performing the exams and licensed opticians helping you select and fit your glasses.

The Importance of Eye Exams 

If you’re wondering why regular eye exams are so important, just think of how much you value your vision. Getting eye exams regularly is crucial to maintaining your vision and overall eye health. Not only do licensed optometrists evaluate your eyesight and provide prescriptions as needed, but they also look out for various eye diseases and conditions. Routine eye exams could mean the difference between curing an eye disease or having to live the rest of your life with it. 

When caught early enough, many eye conditions and diseases can be treated and even cured. Therefore, it’s essential to have your eyes checked regularly – at least once in every 24-month period. Not to mention, our eyes change, for better or worse, which means your prescription might require an update. Take care of your eye health and ensure you can see clearly by getting regular eye exams.

Looking for an eye exam near you?

Book your appointment at your local Hakim Optical.

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