Keep an Eye on Your Vision with Regular Exams

Keep an Eye on Your Vision with Regular Exams

Unfortunately, not all Canadians take their vision health as seriously as their overall physical health. It’s extremely important to schedule regular eye exams to ensure there are no eye issues and to help prevent eye disease and future vision loss.

The Canadian Association of Optometrists has outlined their position on the minimum frequency of examination for those at low risk as follows:

Infants and Toddlers
Birth – 24 months
First eye examination between the ages of 6 and 9 months.
Preschool Children
2 – 5 years
At least one eye examination between the ages of 2 and 5 years.
School-Age Children
6 – 19 years
Eye examination annually.
20 – 39 years
Eye examination every 2 to 3 years.
40 – 64 years
Eye examination every 2 years.
65 years and older
Eye examination annually.

What to Expect During an Exam
During an exam, an eye doctor will not only check your vision to see if you’re nearsighted or farsighted, but they will also perform a series of tests to check for eye diseases. The key to preventing vision loss is catching and treating diseases early—before any visible symptoms occur.

Eye Health and General Wellbeing
A comprehensive eye exam can also provide valuable clues about your general health including signs of arthritis, diabetes or head trauma.

With children heading back to school in a month, don’t wait too long to schedule their yearly eye exam. Academics and even after-school activities can be negatively impacted by vision issues.


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