Vision Development and Eye Health in Babies

Vision Development and Eye Health in Babies

Having a baby in the home is exciting—but can also be extremely overwhelming. There are so many things to remember that monitoring vision development and eye health can sometimes be low on the priority list. However, it’s important to remember that babies eyes are drastically changing over the first 12 months and it’s crucial to detect any problems early to prevent long-term damage.

A newborn is extremely sensitive to light and as a result, will have small pupils. Since their central vision is still developing they can only see with their peripheral vision. When you notice a baby’s pupils widen, it’s a sign that their retinas are developing and they’ll begin to focus on items in front of them.

During this time it’s normal if an infant’s eyes seem to wander or are crossed but by about two months this should be resolved. At around five months, a baby’s vision development has advanced to the point where they now have depth perception and can see more colours.

An infant should go for their first eye exam between six and nine months and have a second comprehensive eye exam between the ages of two and five. However, parents should monitor vision development at home and schedule an eye appointment if there are any concerns. For example:

  • red eyelids could be a sign of an infection.
  • excessive tears could indicate a problem with blocked tear ducts.
  • continued light sensitivity could mean there’s a buildup of pressure in the eye.

Watching a baby grow and develop is exciting, but just make sure to keep an eye on their vision health and development. If you ever have any concerns, you can also schedule an eye exam.

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